Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Annotated Bibliographies

Annotated Bibulographies

1. www.vaw.umn.edu/documents/pkreport/pkreport.html, 2004
this website is all about what laws are aviliable for people who have been the victims of parental kidnappings. This website shows different stories of people that had been effected by this crime and it talks about the actions that those families have taken against the purportators. There was a horrifying amount of people that have fallen victim to this crime. The numbers show that approximately 203,900 cases per year. That is a huge amount of people who have no idea where their children have been taken too. It is sheer terror for the families involved.

2. www.history.com/encyclopedia.do?articleId=26762. History Channel Online 1996-2007
This is a site that has showed some of the significant kidnappings since 1924. Even though it only shows’s few key kidnappings it gives some insight into the history of kidnappings. Some people kidnap people for money reasons and demand ransoms or some people just kidnap people sexual or mental reasons. Anyone can fall victim to kidnappings and this site shows how many people have fallen into those unfortunate traps.

3. http://www.house.gov/list/press/az01_renzi/pr_030410_sexualpredators.html. The House. April 10, 2003

“Child Abduction Prevention Act (H.R. 1104, passed the House by a 410-14 margin on March 27, 2003) that would stiffen penalties for kidnapping, ensures lifetime supervision of sexual offenders and child abductors and gives law enforcement added resources to prosecute these crimes” This is a great website to show all of the laws that were past. There are a lot of more harsh punishments for sex offenders/child abusers. There is also a great signal to send out in the case of a kidnapping called the Amber alert. This notifies people that a person was abducted and the alert gives the name and description of the person in hopes of finding the missing. This site is great to review the laws surrounding kidnappings.

4. Abrahms, Sally. Children in the Crossfire. MacMillan Publishing Company / 1984
This is an interesting book in the sense it talks about the motives of parental kidnappings. Its was noted that many parents who kidnap their children surround a divorce are not doing it because they miss or want their children but a lot of times are doing it because of spite. This book is amazing because it was a new look into the minds of these people who abduct these innocent children.

5. Smart, Ed and Lois, with Morton, Laura. Bringing Elizabeth Home a journey of Faith and Hope. Doubleday, 2003
I chose to write about this book because it is a true blessing. Not many children are returned from being kidnapped and Elizabeth was. The family had their faith in God and they believed that God was the reason for bringing Elizabeth back home. The person who took Elizabeth had no real motive for taking her, which is rare. Many people are after money, sexual reasons ect. This is a really good book about hope and how their lives were given back to this family.

6. Fisher, Jim. The Lindbergh Case. United States of America. 1987
This is a book about a child who was almost two years old was stolen and killed by a predator. About four years later the judicial system convicted Bruno Richard Hauptmann as the child of Charles and Anne Lindbergh’s killer. A lot of people back then believed that Bruno was the killer but now people are not sure that he was. This book is great in the sense it show’s how emotions can change over time about a trial. What if Lindbergh’s killer was still lose, killing other people? How will the public truly know? It’s a scary thought but in reality there are people who are wrongly accused for a crime. How does anyone really know someone was guilty of a crime unless they confess to it?

7. Strickland, Margaret. How to deal with a Parental Kidnapping. United States Of America. 1983
This book goes over some great resources needed when dealing with a situation of parental kidnapping. This is a scary subject and a person needs to know all of the necessary procedures in order to help get their child back. There is information on a parent’s rights, telephone numbers, laws surrounding parental kidnappings, and where to find help. This is such a great book to read because you never know when you could lose a child and its better to have knowledge in case this was to ever happen.

8. Cooney, Caroline B. The Face on the Milk Carton. Laurel Leaf / Paperback.
This book talks about a girl who grows up thinking her family is her biological family but there are doubts in her mind as to whether she really fits in. Then one day she comes across a milk carton with her childhood face on it. Then she starts to unravel the truth that she was kidnapped. The book shows her steps to finding her real family. This story is horrifying not knowing who her real family is and the truth is it happens all the time.

9. http://www.lostchildren.org/statistics.htm, The lost Children, March 2007
This website is all about the statistics of children who were kidnapped by family members, random kidnappings, and planned kidnappings. This site is very informative in anyone was curious to see why people kidnap and or examples of how many are returned. The results were shocking.

10. http://www.thelost.net/mission.htm, The lost. April 2007
This website is the best website I have come across. This shows that this agency is the most successful at finding children. There have been over five hundred recoveries which is the highest anywhere. It was developed in 1987 and has been wildly successful and continues to grow. This is a great website to give hope to people in a time of desperation.

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